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Utilizing Video Calling in Lake Parke Senior Living

We are fully committed to every aspect of your loved one's health. This means physical, mental, and emotional. As many of you know, in keeping with the CDC's guidelines we closed our doors to any visitors. We ask that you please refrain from coming to our facility during this time. In an effort to maintain morale, we are utilizing several technological advancements to keep you and your loved one connected. So, we ask that you please take advantage of these services. Lake Parke Senior Living has always been a leader in utilizing technology for both patient care, and entertainment.

Please use the following link to register for a time to call a Lake Parke Resident. We ask that you register at least 8 hours in advance of the call, so that we can organize time for each resident to utilize this service.

The link above will also provide instructions for making this call. If you have any issues, please contact Grant at 573-745-0874.

As with everything, we appreciate your prayers and support. By the grace of God and by the cooperation of all, we remain optimistic through this tough time.

God Bless,

Lake Parke Senior Living

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